Soccer tips Baseball after COVID-19:With masks and disinfectant, without tobacco and sunflower
The World Baseball and Softball Confederation (WBSC) has published a list of health and functional recommendations for the safe return of the American game to competitive mode. The measures, entitled `Guidelines for the Prevention of COVID-19` and set out on 20 pages, were developed by the WBSC Medical Commission in accordance with the requirements of the World Health Organization and its risk assessment tools. `These new guidelines and considerations, prepared by the World Confederation, aim to limit the spread of the coronavirus at a time when the resumption of activities in our sport is slowly beginning around the world, ` commented WBSC President Ricardo Fracari. Specific recommendations concerning baseball and softball matches according
contact verified football picks aimed at minimizing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 infection include:
- Racing equipment should not be shared - each player must have a personal bat, helmet, glove, battery gloves, etc.;
- Batteries must retract their bat in the dougout when possible;
- Chewing tobacco, hatching sunflower and other seeds and spitting are prohibited at all times - Players (especially pitchers) should not lick their fingers;
- Judges must wear protective gearmasks and gloves;
- Avoid exchanging home team sheets;
- Avoid physical contact such as handshakes, hugs, `give five`, etc . ;
- Cleaning of the balls to be made by a designated person who does it with rubber gloves;
- - Different sets of balls for the hosts and guests when they are in defense;
less than two meters away;
- The home judge must avoid contact with the catcher;
- The distance must be at least one meter between people- Bases must be disinfected after each half of the inning. National federations and leagues are encouraged to develop their own specific rules and protocols in line with local laws and regulations of the health authorities in the context of a pandemic.
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