Soccer prediction Piers Morgan on criticism of Qatar before the World Cup: Shouldn`t we resent the participation of Senegal, Morocco and Tunisia, where LGBT people are also illegal? Why are England and the US allowed to participate after t
Piers Morgan urged not to mix football and politics ahead of the 2022 World Cup.
Can`t I be the only person who wants us to put aside all this politics and justice propaganda and just enjoy football?
There should have been a serious debate about whether the tournament according
contact verified football picks could be held in Qatar, 12 years ago when the applications were submitted, and not three weeks before it started, right?
And if the argument against them is that they have human rights issues, which is an undeniable fact, then what about the rest of the countries participating in the tournament?
In particular, if the persecution of LGBT people is considered an obstacle to participation in the World Cup, then shouldn`t we be outraged that Senegal, Morocco and Tunisia will come to the tournament, where same-sex relationships are also illegal?
Or the involvement of Ghana, where parliament is pushing a new bill requiring jail time for anyone who even expresses support or sympathy for LGBT people?
Or the involvement of Cameroon, where, according to a recent report, same-sex relationships are prosecuted more aggressively than in any other country in the world?
And don`t make me start with Saudi Arabia, where you can be chemically castrated, sentenced to life in prison, or even executed if caught having same-sex sex.
If we take a closer look at other countries participating in the World Cup, we will see even more problems with respect for human rights.
Costa Rica has serious problems with human trafficking, Brazil has a shocking level of murder and police torture, Argentina suffers from government and judicial corruption, and Serbia continues to oppress Roma.
Many of the countries already mentioned are waging ongoing wars on freedom of speech, imprisoning dissidents and journalists who criticize the government. In the case of Saudi Arabia, they are cut with bone saws. They also treat migrant workers horribly there.
And if the shortcomings of modern society are so discussed before the World Cup, then why are England and the United States allowed to speak, given the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and all the subsequent terrorist hell that this illegal war unleashed on the world?
I think you understand my point of view, " the TV presenter, journalist and Arsenal fan wrote in a column for The Sun.
Piers Morgan on criticism of Qatar before the World Cup: Shouldn`t we resent the participation of Senegal, Morocco and Tunisia, where LGBT people are also illegal? Why are England and the US allowed to participate after the invasion of Ira Soccer prediction - more details and information:
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