Fonyn misses two Chelsea tournaments because of his big mouth
Italian tennis player Fabio Fonini will miss two Grand Slam tournaments, the organizers of prestigious competitions announced.In addition, Fonynie was fined $ 96,000The reason for the strict sanction against the Italian is his indecent behavior during this year`s US Open.In his first-round match via
archive of soccer tips against compatriot Stefano Travallia, Fonynie allowed himself to use obscene expressions against Swedish judge Luis Anghel, dissatisfied with his judgments. He was disqualified from the race in which he was asked to take part in couples, and he was alsoa fine of $ 24,000.
One of the tournaments that the 30-year-old Fonynie will surely miss is the US Open but only if it is back in obscene behavior within the next two years.If he keeps himself clean from such problems, the Italian will get back and half his money for the fine.Fonynie himself said he was taking the decision and would not appeal.
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